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Laci Perduk: The future of e-commerce is not easy to predict

Laci studied philosophy, he’s a member of the e-commerce team and is a role model for younger colleagues, for whom he prepares various educational activities. In addition, he has a very interesting hobby, which you will read about in this interview.

How did you get into web development?

At the beginning, programming was my hobby and it gradually became my job. Websites have become interesting to me especially for their versatility. No matter where in the world a person is, and these days even whatever device he uses, it’s possible to communicate basically anything to them. That is the reason why I enjoy working with the web. In addition, many single-purpose applications are now being transformed into the form of web pages, providing a lot of room for self-realization.

As for itself, it’s my second job and it came somehow naturally during university.

What is your job description and what do you do at

At, together with the team, we work on several projects, but it can be said that these are mainly e-shops. Personally, I prefer working on backend – if possible, I like to prepare project analyses and then create data layers for them. I’m also not afraid of frontend, but backend is simply closer to me. Specifically, we work on projects such as,,, and many others.

Moreover, with the guys and girls from our team, we actively try to create a work environment that is cheerful and productive at the same time.

Recently, we have started to organize workshops or short presentations with other professionally older colleagues, the aim of which is to share necessary and concentrated knowledge with new and young people in the company.

What do you think the future of e-commerce will look like?

The future of e-commerce is not easy to predict. However, what we can currently say with almost certainty is that e-commerce as such will grow. That means that more and more entities will want to spend more and more money online. I intentionally speak of entities because it doesn’t apply only to B2C trading, but also to B2B trading. So a big step, especially in Slovak conditions, will be that B2B will grow in the online sphere.

As for features for end customers, analysis says that chats will be used for shopping progressively more and a big topic, so far especially for foreign markets, will be voice shopping and integration of e-commerce with smart homes.

Technologically, this means a lot of new challenges and a lot of interesting knowledge for us.

What do you like to do in your free time?

My fiancée and I recently moved to a village, and since then I have become hooked on various farm activities. We bought bees, last year we also grew some produce and recently I’ve been focusing mainly on our house. At the end of the day, I like to read something, recently it was Factfulness by Hans Rosling.

Top 3 apps on your iPhone?

My favorite applications are the following: TatraBanka and everything that belongs to it, so for example, a connection to ApplePay. Then it’s the Medium, an application from the blog or story platform of the same name, and finally, according to my usage statistics, Instagram.