At the beginning of each project, it’s important to set a goal. But what is the way to the goal? In our case – cooperation. Creative and functional cooperation. Thanks to cooperation, we can work together towards the desired goal, which is the result of expertise and trust.
Why don’t we follow the motto “Our customer is our master”?
It should be a long-term partnership where both parties respect and trust each other. It’s basically a partnership where good communication is the basis and the customers themselves become members of the development team.
Therefore, good information and involvement of the customer (partner) in the project is the alpha and omega of good cooperation. For such cooperation, it’s necessary to ride on a common wave and respect the principles that the team, including the customer, follows. By adhering to them, good cooperation is built as well as trust and consequently the success of the project increases. In this way, both parties know at the outset what is expected of them so that the cooperation can work and be successful.

However, there will be situations where it’s necessary to respond to change. Whether on the customer’s side or on ours. Thanks to the set-up cooperation and depending on the necessary changes, we can turn this challenge into a competitive advantage for the customer.
How we work
At, we strive for long-term partnerships. At the beginning, we clarify the needs and expectations of the customer and propose the best possible solutions tailored to the specific client.
In order for the customer to be regularly informed, we talk with them at regular intervals about the requirements that are ready and that will be implemented. The current status of the project is evaluated in real time, alternatively, priorities are re-evaluated according to current needs. This happens at regular intervals called Sprints. It’s usually a two-week cycle at the beginning of which we talk over what is to be realized and at the end we hand in what is done. Potential issues are communicated continuously during development.
To reveal possible problems in development, we also use regular morning StandUps where we talk about what we did the day before, in what state it is and whether we are on schedule or have a problem with something. In this way, it’s possible to prevent any inconveniences by informing the customer in a timely manner and solving issues as they appear.

Of course, we reached this state evolutionarily and it required a change of thinking in our company as well ?
Before, for smaller projects, it used to be sufficient to submit the project only after its completion. We were in contact with the customer at the beginning and during the delivery of the final work. They had no impact on the project in the development process.
However, we are convinced that every project needs regular care. It’s necessary to continuously reduce the technological debt in the online environment and for an e-shop in extreme competition, every detail involved is important. We therefore strive to ensure that the customer is part of the team and actively participates in product development. This is a tried and tested way that works for us at and I believe that it will work for a long time to come.
That is why the slogan
‘Our customer, our partner’ applies to us.